Saturday 17 March 2012

Would Holly-Golightly have a blog ?

Where to start?
I never have a problem writing my thoughts and opinions on other blogs, comments on media pages, always anonymous, and always still careful. It is always genuinely my opinion, but often tempered in regards to the audience and even behind a mask, still always polite.
So, isn't a personal blog supposed to eliminate that problem? I would imagine so, a place where one can write their deepest thoughts and ideas, without any regard about whom may be reading it, if they dont like it, they dont have to read it do they?

That said, I've also always wanted to have unlimited access to a place where I was able to explore, compare, discuss, and debate with others on ideas, thoughts and opinions, and a blog can be the platform for that. My place in the world where I can share, where I can write about anything from the latest book on the topsellers list (50 shades of grey;) or what my thoughts are about Katie Price winning celeb mum of the year from foxy bingo (disgusted) and what I genuinely believe that woman over Forty can get away with, in the short skirt circuit.

So lets just say that I constantly have thoughts and opinions about things that are happening in the world today, things that happened in the past and how they will shape the future. I will write about politics, I tend to be more conservative as I get older, but with age comes experience and being quite liberal as a teen, Ive seen that in this day and age we need more structured in my opinion since too much liberalism has effectively let the kids of today run about with little regard for others. I am also on the other hand quite liberal with my views about faith,sexual orientation and in some respects justice that needs to be tempered with mercy.

I also am an avid people watcher and adore fashion. I once again tend to be a little more conservative, but a bit of glam and high heels are something I believe any age can carry off if done properly. My mother always said "boobs or legs,but never both dear". And always a matching set of lingerie was more for a womans self esteem, but it didnt hurt if your significant other appriciated it "wink".

I love to cook, and the hardest thing I have found since moving here from the states four years ago is that the ingredients, recipies and tools that I took for granted only grace the most dedicated of chefs kitchens over here. I am delighted I remembered to bring my Calphalon and Henckel with me. And one of the first things I obtained after settling in was a Weber charcoal grill, made in Illinois, around the corner from my home town in Michigan. I was born on the east coast not far from Boston and New York, but my teen years were spent on the beaches of the Great Lakes and the forests of the Upper Peninsula, so grilling,referred to over here as bbqing was just another way of cooking,like frying or baking. Bbq, we used as a term for a savory sauce, but that recipie another time.

I enjoy movies and books and very few Tv shows, the Tv for me is mostly another source for news. Yes, I am a news junkie and I read several online and paper versions, magazines and any other medium that will tell me what is going on, somewhere in the world. Movies and books have to grab and keep my attention. I read every night and currently am enjoying a combination of biography and fiction of a historical nature. Pillars of the earth is one of my faves, and the Tv version only kept my attention for about 20 minutes. I knew the story and I knew how much was missing and how much those missing bits actually made the story as intruiging and engrossing as it is. I believe that a good story also has the capacity to educate, and it is something I never cease attempting to do, and that is to keep learning something new, as often and as much as possible.

For now, that is a brief introduction to me and my blog, just so you know that one day you may log on to find a post about about the presidential election and the next it could be about John Galliano and whether he is returning to Dior, or it could be a recipie Ive tried, or a book Ive finished. I am eclectic,  sometimes eccentric, I have a slightly twisted sense of humor, but always within good taste. But hopefully it will keep you interested and accompanying me along as I continue to learn, share and entertain.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon...Cheers !!!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your musings on many things in the coming weeks and months! x
